The Okie Blog Awards celebrates its third year in recognizing and honoring the excellence of diversity by bloggers within Oklahoma through popular nominating and voting.
The awards were established by, and are decided by and for, Oklahoma bloggers exclusively.
On Aug. 17, 2007, Oklahoma bloggers began nominating their favorite blogs in each of 12 categories. In those categories with more than 10 blogs being nominated, the ten blogs receiving the most nominations made the final nomination list.
Voting ran from Sep. 11 through Sep. 26, which resulted in the following blogs recognized as the best in Oklahoma as deemed by fellow Okie bloggers.
Congratulations to the winners, and also to all the blogs making the final nomination list.
The winning blogger in each category is welcome to copy and use the accompanying Okie Blog Award graphic on their blog and adjust the size as they see fit.
You are encouraged to also include a link from the graphic to this page.

Best Overall Blog
Confessions of a Pioneer Woman
City girl Ree plows
through country life with style.

Best Political Blog
Okie Funk
Kurt stands up and out
with his political opinion.
Runner-up, The McCarville Report Online

Best Family Blog
Rocks in my Dryer
Bloggers continue to feel
right at home with Shannon.
Runner-up, Kellyology

Best Humor Blog
The Redneck Diva
Kristin keeps folks laughing
with her and at her.
Runner-up, The Daily Bitch

Best Audio Blog
The Daily Bitch
aka_monty still tops the charts
with sultry sounds.
Runner-up, IROK Radio

Best Blog Layout
Journey to Simplicity
Karen's bold design
always blooms.
Runner-up, Sleeping Mommy

Best Unusual Blog
Pat Velte has many friends,
feathered or not.
Runner-up, Pimp This Town

Best Writing Blog
An Audience of One
Once again, Brian proves
he has one big audience.

Best Culture Blog
Tasha Does Tulsa
And she does it well.
Runner-up, Incurable Insomniac

Best Commentary Blog
Two-Headed Blog
Sarah and Dwight
double the pleasure.
Runner-up, Bounded Rationality

Best Inspirational Blog
Red Fork Hippie Chick
Oklahomans think this
Tulsa hippie is groovy.
Runner-up, An Audience of One

Best Commercial Blog
Oklahoma Wine News
Okie bloggers who like wine,
like the taste of Oklahoma Wine News.
Runner-up, Notes from the Newsroom
All decisions regarding the Okie Blog Awards are made by Okiedoke, and are final.
Thank you for supporting the Oklahoma blogging community.
In solidarity,
Mike Hermes
© The Okie Blog Awards is the property of All rights reserved.